I am happy to report that th Project Linus Blankie is gaining yardage quickly. Of course, it's in it's early stages when the rows are still short, but so what? I'm excited. Here's Eskimo checking out the latest color, Daisy Ombre.Careful inspection will reveal my toes in a perched position. I have really awesome toes; they are the most gorgeous toes I have ever had, let me tell you. I don't paint them so as not to detract from their natural loveliness.Mama and Daddy Dragon (their names are changed to protect my innocence) are wicked cool. I got a greeting card in the mail yesterday. No, not just any card; a Christmas card. They decided on Christmas in July and sent me a healthy donation to the Feed and Clothe Me Fund. What's more, when I called Daddy Dragon to say thank you, he explained a certain "problem" they had that they were hopiing i could "help" with. Apparently, Mama Dragon can't seem to get the hang of her new digital camera. She wants a simple 35mm camera with actual roles of film, so Daddy Dragon was going to go get her one and send me the digi (which we all know I have been craving). I was appalled! I immediately said I would go get her a nice, simple camera in exchange for the uber-tech she had such issues with. I will probably even send her film. Hell, I might even let her take my picture!
Other great stuff: new Knitty is up and I am dying to make some socks now, as well as something irresistable for Walter, Swan and I are making fairly solid plans to get our asses to Rhinebeck, Yoshi has agreed to go (what he'll do there, I have no idea), and I actually made decent money at work last night.
Hey, peoples, tip your servers!! I don't mean some crappy 15%, either, there is a lot of work they do for you that you will never know about, so TIP YOUR SERVERS!!
What else? I know what to make out of only 100 yards of sock yarn, so those great colors won't be wasted (it's a surprise!), Roomie and I made a birthday present for Swan, and I get to go buy her yarn-related paraphernalia to send along with it. What's more, Roomie will actually be 15 minutes away from her in about a week, so she is bringing her camcorder so I can see Swan open her gifts, and get a full view of her stash... Devious, aren't I? mwah-hah-hah... that's my evil laugh.
Oh, and Henry Rollins now has a full front upper body, and half a back. I know, progress is slow, but I got a lot going on, okay?
And by the way, Joey Ramone, 4 stitches on DPNs is fucking I-cord. So bite me.