So then the other thing happened
Not since April? And I'm not even interesting right now; no pictures or anything. Sorry, but I suck a little.
The job has taken a weird turn. The super nice lady who hired me has sold me into white slavery, and to her new husband, of all people. I am working furiously at a holding office for the insurance company I work for, with the plan of taking a pile of policies to his new office. And by working furiously, I mean being bored enough to want to see what happens when I pop out my own eyeballs and try to make music by plucking at my optic nerve. I hear that when the new office opens, we are going to be balls to the wall busy, but for now, I dream of string music.
Knitting? I started a cardigan for Yoshi, and totally forgot that he will not, under any circumstances, be smaller than he is. Which is 6' 3", about 250#. What was I thinking? Well, certainly not that he is one of those men who will wear nothing but miles of straight stockinette. He wears a lot of raglan-sleeved t-shirts, so when he asked for a raglan cardi, I was all over it. However, being the large man he is, I wanted something with the structure and support of seams, so I have designed a bottom-up pieced-together raglan sleeved golf cardigan in a wonderful handspun yarn I got at Rhinebeck last year. Clicky on the right side to see their etsy shop. I have about fourteen million yards of two different colors of a wool-alpaca blend I am working with, and MAN ALIVE is it ever the softest handspun I ever did work with. Unfortunately, the structure I wanted does not exist in pattern form anywhere in this dimensional plane, so I am cobbling together what I can (read: doing very bad math).
Cygknit sent me a lovely color of Patons Soy-wool Stripes, the natural violet, and I made a lacy little hat. Sadly, I cannot find the color in Florida, so she is winging another ball my way as soon as she can, so I can make matching mittens. And really, it's probably just as well I can't find more; the hat kind of makes my head look like a penis. Hey, man, you just can't pair up those colors in closely fitting headwear and not expect a phallic appearance.
Other stuff? I made a first birthday gift for my charming and handsome nephew, but since I suck and have as yet to mail it, there are no pictures yet. I've been stringing together lots of jewelry, learned to stitch beads (peyote, anyone?), and came up with a master plan to help save up for my nephew's college education. More on that if Cygknit ever has time between mommy and masters degree to set up her etsy shop. If only I had the time and wherewithal to do it for her... but I don't want to be presumptuous. All things in their time, I suppose. Like another blog post. Wonder when that'll be?