How to drive someone crazy from 1100 miles away

05 May 2007

Seriously. Knititng content.

But due to an extreme household-wide AA-battery shortage, no pictures. The camera had to take the sacrifice in the interest of lighting up my weakly lit but lovely all the same new apartment.

Big green sweater-type thing needs about three inches of sleeve, bind off, and weave something like three ends in to be finished. I have been knitting my tails in by double-stranding (the yarn is sort of thick-thin anyway, so it doesn't even show) and the finishing on this thing is going to be so minimal I can't even believe it. It is warm, chunky, and just what I needed, and an hour from being done.

Several months ago, I started a red cotton dishcloth and then relegated it to the WIP pile due to boredom. A severe case of finish-it-up-itis led me to really, really want my #8s back, and since the silly thing needed literally ten more rows, I finished it up. It needs a button, but the sucker's done. It's even cute. I am going to try to whip out two matching scrubbies or warshrags ala Mason Dixon to complete the set for my future mother in law. I've got plenty of white cotton to compliment the red, and I get such a Jack-and-Meg-White-feeling from the peppermint combination. Definitely should bust out some recommended listening while working on those; I think I could knit like lightning if Hotel Yorba were playing in the background.

I cast on a Lotus Blossom tank out of a stash dive. I am on row 7 (OMG!) and I am loving it. I did not join the KAL , seems I am a little late to all those parties. I am using SWTC Bamboo in Tequila. I noticed that there is a girl named Lisa also knitting the LBT in the same colorway on the KAL, but I assure you, she is not me. I am pretty sure I must be shorter.

I keep buying yarn. It's an addiction. I can't imagine ever knitting all the yarn I already have, but I must have more. I'm like a fiber zombie; rather than walking around moaning "braaaaiiins....," I say "yaaaarrrrnn..." I do realize this is very common, but seriously. This is just getting wasteful. There's a pile of angora blend on it's way to me right now, as well as some Malabrigo, so I went out and bought some sock yarn and, of all things, some Daria Multi. What the heck am I going to do with that? I think it's coasters for the bedroom.

Speaking of which, we also bought new bedroom furniture, as some of the old stuff succumbed to gravity and lost it's finish during the move. It will be here in June, squee!

'Kay, bye.


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