How to drive someone crazy from 1100 miles away

10 January 2007


I really enjoy colorwork lately. Here's a little change purse.
Ain't it cute? The girls I work with need little bags for change and whatnot, to keep in their aprons, so I am filling the need with color. This is a slip stitch pattern out of the Vogue Stitchionary 3. It came out really cute, if you ask me.
Think I gotta do more colorwork. The interplay really intrigues me, no matter how small the item. I like the way one color next to another creates a different feel entirely. So, of course, I just cast on a small purse in one color with minimal shaping and it is possible I will run out of yarn before I reach the handles. Yes, I am a sucker for punishment. And of course, it is a discontinued yarn I can never get any more of. I am brilliant that way.
Aren't you impressed?


Blogger CygKnit said...

Actually, I am impressed. So impressed that I want to hire you to design colorwork for a baby cardigan I want to knit. You name the price, I pay in cash and/or yarn. Can't wait to talk to you.

12:01 PM


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