How to drive someone crazy from 1100 miles away

27 October 2006


I am really, really upset.

I took some pics at Rhinebeck of knitting celebrities, and for the life of me, I can't find the camera. No pics of the haul, either. I know it made it home, because I showed Yoshi the tiny slide show in the tiny screen on the digital camera, but where is the camera now? I don't know!!

I wanted to show you the red sock I am (mostly) designing. I wanted to show the Incredible New England Fall Colors that I Don't Get to See in Season-Free Florida beret kit I got at the Morehouse Merino shop, and the accompanying scarf yarn. I wanted to show you the silk-wool blend I found for a buck a skein (!) that Swan was patient enough to help me add up the yardage for. The green handspun destined to be a cardi for Walter. Among other things.

Sad, sad, sad.

I don't want to tell my stories until I can properly illustrate them, and I fear that by the time I find the camera and then the free time to post, everyone's Rhinebeck high will be spent, if it isn't already. *sigh*

I had a great time, I just can't prove it. I embarrassed the crap out of myself to the delight of Amy Singer (Oooooh, wait! Here's a pic!) and you can't laugh along with me/at me until I find the damn camera. Swan was a great hostess, as well as her hubby, Mr. CygKnit, and they both made fun of me for being adverse to peas (they pop and squish, ew.), and Swan's cat Olive treated me to dessert fondue, and there are no pictures yet because AAAAAAAAAARRRRRGHHH!

Okay. I'm going to check the cat's beds and under the couch again. Pout over.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you found it yet? Have you have you have you??

9:53 PM


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