And now it's up to meme
Cygnet tagged me, the crazy little critter. I asked for it. Literally, I asked her to tag me. She's the Swan who will be posting here soon, I am promised, but here's the meme:
5 things in my fridge:
- Baby teething rings. I live with an eight-month-old little princess. How her mother talked me into it, I have no idea.
- Espresso chip ice cream.
- Duck sauce in tiny packets.
- Belgian cream puffs.
- Smoked salmon for Yoshi's bagels.
5 items in my closet
- My motorcycle jacket.
- A magenta sweater I bought at the Portobello Road street market in London, summer of 04. I destroyed it in the laundry, but will not part with it.
- A picture of my brother and I, aged about 6 and 4 respectively, riding my father's back as if he were our horsey, with very big, happy, screamy mouths on both of us.
- Several pairs of slutty shoes I haven't worn in years.
- Notes for a book I wanted to write when I was twelve years old.
5 items in my purse
- Two pairs of sunglasses
- 58 cents
- A tiny notepad for writing down everything I can't remember. (but not one single pen)
- A tiny jar full of many different kinds of vitamins, Motrin, Dayquil, Midol and glucosamine chondroitin.
- A movie ticket from "V for Vendetta" And yes, Cyn, I only saw it the one time.
5 items in my car (and this just makes me sad, because we still don't know if car is coming home. But I know what's in it, so here goes)
- CDs. David Bowie, White Stripes, Violent Femmes to name a few
- Three of Yoshi's old leather jackets that he, um, outgrew. He's in love, of course he gained a few pounds. They were to go to the Goodwill, but were temporarily deterred.
- Jumper cables
- Lots of trash. Starbucks cups and Marlboro Lights boxes, mostly.
- My cell phone charger.
And as for 5 people I want to tag, well I don't know anyone else who may be reading this, so if you are not Cyn, consider yourself tagged and deal with it accordingly.
And in case you were curious:
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